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About FOF

FOF is Denmark’s largest provider of adult liberal education.

Each year more than 250,000 Danes acquire insight, knowledge and experiences through one of FOF’s courses, lectures or excursions.

FOF’s activities are for everyone – regardless of sex, race or religion.

FOF strengthens the Danes’ qualifications

FOF’s courses enable participants to improve their:

  • specific skills (languages, IT, etc.)   
  • social competences (collaboration, empathy)   
  • creativity (imagination, expression)   
  • motorics and suppleness (motor-function courses)

FOF makes the Danes want to learn

A majority of evening-class participants say that their course has:    

  • strengthened them in terms of their working lives
  • made them want to learn more
  • led to personal development

FOF makes the Danes healthier

  • FOF is an important actor with respect to public health
  • FOF contributes to persuading the Danes to adopt a healthier life style
  • Thousands of Danes are improving their bodies and health at one of FOF’s motor-function course
  • An active life is a better life. And a good life is a healthier life

The participants themselves pay most of the costs

The Danish municipalities subsidise evening classes.

There are large differences between the municipal levels of subsidising.

The participants themselves pay by far the greater part of course fees.

FOF has 30 local schools around the country

Each local school is an independent unit with its own budget and board of directors. FOF 39 local schools have activities in 82 municipalities. 

FOF teaches foreigners Danish language and culture

FOF has a language center at Hellerup.

FOF - history

FOF, the adult education association, was founded in 1947.

FOF is an offspring of the Danish Conservative People’s Party but has always been open to the entire population.

FOF’s object

FOF’s object is through insistence on and immersion into the Christian-humanitarian cultural tradition to advance knowledge about people and society and to contribute to qualifying and developing the individual person, thereby providing the possibility for a richer life as an individual and as member of society.

FOF’s mission and vision

FOF’s mission is to expand the individual person’s level of insight, broadness of outlook and quality of life.

FOF’s vision is to provide adult liberal education that includes both learning and experiences.

FOF’s slogan is: A richer life.

FOF’s logo is: The spiral – the ever continuing development that knows its own point of departure.