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Conspiracy Theories (B2-C1) - debate club in English

Conspiracy Theories (B2-C1)

- Debate Club in English

The aim is to refresh and improve your English skills but that does not mean it has to be dull. We all know someone who knows who really killed JFK, the favorite food of the aliens in Area 51, and how 'they' filmed the moon landings on a sound stage. Why is it that access to information is easier than at any time in history yet we are still drawn to myths? Have conspiracy theories just found a bigger audience? While you brush up on your English skills - lets take a trip down the rabbit hole.

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Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Onsdag 18.09.2024 19:00-20:50 Stenløse Kulturhus Roderick Bowler
2 Onsdag 25.09.2024 19:00-20:50 Stenløse Kulturhus Roderick Bowler
3 Onsdag 02.10.2024 19:00-20:50 Stenløse Kulturhus Roderick Bowler
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Roderick Bowler