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Sunshine on a plate - Christmas

Sunshine on a plate - Christmas

The “Sunshine on a plate” cooking classes brings a smile on your face while getting you back to those great holiday vibes.

This time it´s all about Christmas.

I will teach you how to serve quick gourmet dishes for an extra festive evening. 


  • Langoustines - Pea -  Mint
  • Smoked eel - beetroot - Goat cheese
  • Beef - curry - sprouts
  • Duck - Parsnip - Gingerbread
  • Sorbet - basil - cookies

We use products that can be obtained in the Vejle/Billund region, so you’ll be able to re-create everything you’ve learned.If you’re interested in surprising your guests, improve your cooking skills and create mouth-watering dishes this Christmas that truly bring Sunshine on a Plate? Then sign up today

Bring: boxes for leftovers, apron, beverages.

Ingredients are included in the price. 

Undervisningen foregår på engelsk (og lidt dansk) / the teacher speaks English (and a little bit of Danish)