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Hollandsk Hutspot

Hollandsk Hutspot

HOLLANDSK HUTSPOT - Ala Anthony Van der Werf

In my home country we have a famous dish that fits a tight budget and can be made with leftovers to minimize food waste. It´s called ´Hutspot´ and it consists mostly of potatoes, carrots and onions, ingredients most people have all year long.

Legend has it that during the 80-years war the Dutch breached the dikes around the city of Leiden in 1574. The fields surrounding the city were flooded and the Spanish soldiers, who were camping there, had to run for higher ground. Since the Netherlands is as flat as a pancake, they were sort of flushed out. But they left behind boiled potatoes, a vegetable that was imported by the Spanish Conquistadors from South America.

The Dutch then mashed it with the only other ingredients they had left, carrots and onions, and `Hutspot` was born. Every year on September 3rd this event is commemorated by most of the Dutch eating this dish. The ingredients in this dish go remarkably well together when mashed, but hey we´re not in 1574 anymore! So I like to accompany ´Hutspot` with brown gravy, smoked sausage (røget medister) and fried pieces of bacon.


Antal personer: 4-6

Forberedelsestid 35 minutter

Kalorier 250 kcal



  • 1000 g skrællede kartofler i stykker af 5cm
  • 600 g groft revet vinter-gulerod
  • 400 g løg i halve ringe
  • En klump smør og varm mælk
  • Salt, peber og muskatnød



Skær kartoflerne i stykker af 5 cm. Læg dem på en stor pande og tilsæt salt.

Placer gulerødder og løg ovenpå. Hæld vand i panden, så det lige akkurat dækker alle ingredienserne.

Lad det koge i 20 minutter, indtil kartoflerne er møre.

Hæld vandet fra og mos det hele så blødt eller groft som du foretrækker.

Tilsæt en god klump smør og en smule varm mælk. Rør godt.

Afslut med at smage til med salt, peber og muskatnød.

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