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Cycle Awareness - Cycle Tracking

Apply the Symptothermal Method! 

Would you like to learn how to use a wonderful self-perception-based method of cycle tracking? Then you should join this course.

The symptothermal method enables us to identify fertility and the four cycle seasons, predict the starting date of our menstruation, and receive a monthly update about our current health.


This course is for individuals of all ages and genders with a menstrual cycle, who have already participated in the Cycle Awareness Introduction Course or already possess basic knowledge about their own hormones and cyclical being.

The course will be in English.

Participation requires an intermediate level of English. Danish, German, Portuguese, and Spanish can be used as languages of mediation.


The course: 

  • Provides a deeper introduction to applying the symptothermal method. 
  • Explains how to use the method as NON-hormonal contraception. 
  • Is not a substitute for reading the book “Natural & Safe: The Handbook: Family Planning with Sensiplan” or for receiving intensive coaching if your intention is to use the method as contraception! 
  • Provides information for further self-study.


  • With head, heart and hand – means: knowledge acquisition, emotional reflecting and empowerment, practical exercises and strategies  
  • Interactive and participative 
  • Space of respect, trust, and confidentiality


  • Cycle tracking skills. 
  • Your completed cycle chart, generated under supportive supervision.


Please bring your own cycle documentations, if you have any so far. 

I’m looking forward to working with you!



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Onsdag 16.10.2024 19:00-20:30 FOF Horsens Inka Fischer Leoncio
2 Onsdag 23.10.2024 19:00-20:30 FOF Horsens Inka Fischer Leoncio
3 Onsdag 30.10.2024 19:00-20:30 FOF Horsens Inka Fischer Leoncio

Inka Fischer Leoncio

I’m a cultural and social anthropologist as well as a pedagogue. I’m absolutely curious about understanding human beings and driven by the goal of contributing to increased awareness and consciousness in society. I’m passionate about accompanying people in creating a better connection with themselves and with others. My work experience spans roles such as a documentary film director, researcher, university lecturer, and coach for intercultural competences and conflict management.

Since my early studies in anthropology, social hierarchies, patriarchy, and gender have been topics of my interest and specialization. Lately, I have discovered how little most people know about the feminine body and health and how much knowledge about it can have an emancipating, liberating, and self-loving effect on those who acquire it. I’m one such example.

As I have been having an extremely enriching experience myself, I’m eager to inspire others to start their processes of understanding and feeling the connection between their hormonal cycle, lifestyle, and well-being. I would love to share my knowledge about the cycle-related functions of the female body and introduce you to cycle tracking as a method of self-awareness.

Feel warmly welcome to a safe space for the exchange of experiences and female empowerment =)