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Learn photography basics at FOF

Photography – Technique and Composition – even weeks

This course is taught in English, with translations into Danish whenever needed.

Learn to operate your camera manually

In this course, we cover basic manual techniques such as aperture and shutter speed. We explore how mastering simple techniques can contribute to a more personal expression in your photographs.

Drawing inspiration from art and documentary photography, we examine how, for example, certain images can evoke a "close and warm" feeling, while others may convey a "distanced and cold" atmosphere.

Through creative tasks and exercises, you will learn how different compositions impact the overall experience of an image. What defines a "good" picture? How can you actively engage with your compositions? The course emphasizes both technical skills and content, aiming to make the technique more accessible.

Key details

Be prepared for homework.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Mandag 16.09.2024 17:30-20:40 Øster Farimagsgades Skole, Kbh Ø Thomas Sjørup
2 Mandag 30.09.2024 17:30-20:40 Øster Farimagsgades Skole, Kbh Ø Thomas Sjørup
3 Mandag 28.10.2024 17:30-20:40 Øster Farimagsgades Skole, Kbh Ø Thomas Sjørup
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Thomas Sjørup

Uddannelse: Fotograf

Andre faglige kvalifikationer: Journalistik

Undervisningserfaring: Undervisning på efterskole, 1-1 undervisning og coaching

Andet: Jeg har siden starten af 90’erne taget professionelle, aktuelle og kreative billeder for landets største dagblade, magasiner og virksomheder. Efter mange år som fotograf i verdens brændpunkter, hvor jeg har dækket alt fra krige og katastrofer på Balkan, i Afrika og i Mellemøsten til OL i London og aktuelle begivenheder i Danmark, er det i dag det kreative indhold, der tænder mig. Se mere på  min hjemmeside: Sjørup Photography