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Violin hos FOF København Nordsjælland

Violin/bratsch – begyndere

For English see below.

Drømmer du om at spille i strygekvartet, strygeorkester eller symfoniorkester? Violinen kan bruges i næsten alle ensembler. Vi arbejder med nodelæsning, strøgteknik, klang, intonation, rytmik, melodispil og sammenspil. Alle niveauer. Repertoire fra populær, klassisk og rytmisk musik. 

Du skal medbringe eget instrument. Kontakt venligst underviseren ved tilmelding og hvis du har brug for hjælp med at finde et instrument.

Værd at vide

Der er 2-3 deltagere pr. hold, og ved 3 deltagere bliver tiden udvidet. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk.



Ever dreamed of being part of a string quartet, string orchestra or even symphony orchestra? The violin can be embraced in nearly all types of ensembles. We delve into sheet music reading, strumming technique, timbre, tone intonation, rhythm, melody play and ensemble. We welcome participants of all levels. Our repertoire spans popular, classical, and rhythmic genres.

Please bring your own instrument, and contact the instructor upon registration if you need assistance in finding one.

Good to know

Each class hosts 2-3 participants, and if there are 3, the session will be extended. The classes are taught in English.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Torsdag 29.08.2024 18:30-19:15 Skottegårdsskolen, Tårnby Maria Di Bella
2 Torsdag 05.09.2024 18:30-19:15 Skottegårdsskolen, Tårnby Maria Di Bella
3 Torsdag 12.09.2024 18:30-19:15 Skottegårdsskolen, Tårnby Maria Di Bella
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Musik underviser Maria Di Bella

Maria Di Bella

Education: I studied at the Conservatory and obtained the academical degree in modern and baroque violin.

Other professional qualifications: I love to play (of course:) and I keep myself busy with as many concerts as I can. I have been a stable and active member of opera orchestras, baroque ensembles and pop/folk bands.

Teaching experience: I have been a violin teacher for almost ten years, giving mostly individual lessons, but also leading orchestra projects, strings ensembles, schools shows, etc. My students are children and adults, coming from any musical background and both with amateur and professional aim. What I love about teaching is the unique relationships that it creates, so I always try to understand what the student's needs and whishes are, in order to personalize the lesson and offer the most effective and fun experience for everybody.

Other: I am an Italian living in Copenhagen and, before Denmark, I lived in Belgium and Austria too. I love languages and I'm fluent in English and French, and speak a bit of German and Russian too.