For English see below.
Ophobede spændinger løsnes, og din vitalitet og energi genskabes.
Teknikken er klassisk hatha yoga med yogastillinger, der retter kroppen ud og modvirker den stivhed, som giver dårlig ryg, hovedpine og nakkespændinger.
Vi træner også åndedrættet, der er afgørende for en stærk, blød og smidig krop og en god mental balance.
Vi afslutter med afspænding.
Any tension accumulated in your body is released and your energy and vitality are restored. In classic hatha yoga, poses align the body and counteract the stiffness that causes back pain, headaches, and neck tension.
We also practise breathing techniques, which are essential for a strong, flexible, and tension-free body as well as good physical and mental balance.
Every class ends with relaxation.