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Couple at contraction and childbirth class in FOF Aarhus

Contraction and childbirth class

We recommend that you join the class in pregnancy week 26-36.

Every childbirth is unique. Whether you are a first time mom or have other children, being in labour can be a challenging experience. Having the right knowledge before giving birth can prepare you for a lot of worrying. You will experience less pain, if you know how to work with your body.

Antenatal classes at FOF Aarhus teach you to handle your contractions and your birth, so you have the control. You will be given different tools you can choose from during birth. You learn about the progress of a birth, how breathing can help you, and which body positions you can use during delivery.

This class will give you the safety you need, and our highly trained educators will instruct you and prepare you for the forthcoming birth. Our educators are skilled and very experienced, so you can easily feel secure and ask about your worries.

During the class, we will come across:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Contractions
  • Delivery positions
  • Visualizations and relaxation
  • Pain relief and massage techniques.

You are welcome to join the class alone or with a partner. If you arrive with a partner, you both need to sign up for the class beforehand. The price is DKK 175, - for one person.

Please be aware that you cannot join the class, if you have not signed up and payed for the class. We care about you during the Covid-19 pandemic, and are aware of the maximum participants in the classroom will not exceed the Danish Health Care's recommendation.

This class is in English.
Are you looking for other activities in English? Have a look at our courses planned here!

We also offer a more focused and individualized class for you and a partner in English.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Lørdag 10.05.2025 13:15-16:15 Søndergade 74 Dorte Wahlberg
Dorte Wahlberg, underviser i før-/efterfødselshold i FOF Aarhus

Dorte Wahlberg

Jeg er uddannet psykomotorisk terapeut og har desuden en master i vejledning. Derudover er jeg efteruddannet i pilates, sorg og krise og selvudvikling.

Jeg brænder for den nære og direkte kontakt i undervisningen med mennesker der skal føde, fødselshjælpere eller mødre og fædre – og jeg har undervist i disse emner i FOF i mere end 20 år.