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Bahn mi, vietnamesisk streetfood, madkursus i FOF Aarhus

Vietnamese Street Food

In Vietnam, street food is everywhere: from early morning markets to roving vendors and bustling sidewalk stalls, all offering Vietnam's famously mouthwatering cuisine.There's so much to taste!

In this hands-on cooking course, Chef Oanh from Vietnam will provide you with all the knowledge you need to cook Vietnamese street food by yourself. In each session, we will prepare two delicious dishes using traditional methods, ensuring they taste just like the ones found on the streets of Vietnam.

Menu example:

  • Bánh mì (Vietnamese baguette with meat and herbs)
  • Bánh xèo (crispy savory pancake)
  • Cơm tấm (broken rice with pork and egg pudding)
  • Bánh tráng nướng (Vietnamese crispy rice paper pizza)
  • Chè (sweet soup dessert) / Trà đào cam sả (lemongrass herbal drink)
  • Bún thịt nướng (grilled pork noodle salad).

Class will be held in english.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Tirsdag 12.11.2024 17:30-21:35 H.H. Seedorffs Str. 7 Phung Nguyen Yen
2 Tirsdag 26.11.2024 17:30-21:35 H.H. Seedorffs Str. 7 Phung Nguyen Yen
3 Tirsdag 10.12.2024 17:30-21:35 H.H. Seedorffs Str. 7 Phung Nguyen Yen

Phung Nguyen Yen

I am a Vietnamese artist and designer. I have a large reportoire in the creative department. I like to focus on spreading Asian culture through my work, this includes cooking, which is one of my favorite hobbies.

In Vietnam, I participated in running a cooking Studio for 5 years, and through that, I introduced many tourists to the Vietnamese cuisine. While living in Denmark, I often cook Asian food for my Danish family, relatives, and friends.

For me, cooking is not just about food, it is also about culture. I would like to introduce a nice Asian touch to the classes I teach.

You can visit my webside here