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Skyline Aarhus Rådhus. Danishcourse for Beginners, FOF Aarhus.

Danish for Beginners 1 (A1)

For foreigners, who would like to learn Danish quickly.
You are an absolute beginner in Danish and would like to learn the language from scratch.

Our main focus will be on the spoken language (and the tricky pronunciation), but written exercises will be part of the course as well, securing a profound understanding and use of vocabular and grammar.

You must be prepared to do a fair amount of homework between classes.

The course is for those who are either not eligible for free Danish courses, or, who prefer a fast track towards mastering the language. However, the course does not prepare you specifically for taking an official Danish exam.

And who are you?
You have taken an education, or are about to take one, maybe you are already at work. In any case you have a wish to be able to talk to your Danish co-students, colleagues, or neighbours in their own language. You are expected to be comfortable in English, which is used as a helping language, and to have a good grip on general grammar from having learned another second language, like German, Spanish, Polish, or any other European language.

Learning materials
As course book we use På vej til dansk – trin for trin from the publishing company “Synope” (335,-). The book covers Danish for Beginners level 1, 2 and 3. You can buy the book directly from the teacher via Mobilepay on the first day of the course, or you can go to our shop in Hans Hartvig Seedorffs stræde 7, where the book will be available 5 days before the course starts.

You are welcome to take our free online language test before joining one of our Danish courses as to ensure that the level is right for you.

Expenses for books and materials are not included in the course fee.

Please notice that some of these courses take place twice a week. Please see schedule below.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Mandag 23.09.2024 17:00-18:50 Fjordsgade foreningshus Nanna Tofte
2 Mandag 30.09.2024 17:00-18:50 Fjordsgade foreningshus Nanna Tofte
3 Mandag 07.10.2024 17:00-18:50 Fjordsgade foreningshus Nanna Tofte
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Nanna Tofte

Jeg er seminarieuddannet lærer, og jeg har to overbygninger på denne: Pædagogisk Diplom fra VIA og en master i Dansk som Andetsprog fra Aarhus Universitet.

Jeg har arbejdet på to højskoler og Lærdansk Aarhus samt AAU crash kurser i dansk sprog for udenlandske studerende. Jeg brænder for at hjælpe mennesker videre ift. sproglig eller personlig identitet.