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Cambridge: B2 First

For English, please go to “Information in English” below.

Du taler et rimeligt godt engelsk, men vil gerne forbedre både din mundtlige og skriftlige formuleringsevne. Du har fx haft engelsk i 10. klasse eller 1-2 år på gymnasiet/hf/handelsskolen, men mærker stadig en vis usikkerhed, når du fx skal formulere dig skriftligt. Kurset kommer omkring alle aspekter af sproget: talefærdighed (fluency og vocabulary), lytte- og læseforståelse samt grammatik og skriftlig fremstilling. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk.

Har du behov for det, kan kurset afsluttes med eksamen. Eksamen er dog frivillig. Der slås en fortsættelse af kurset op i det kommende forår, som leder direkte frem til den eksamen, der afholdes i Østjylland i maj-juni. - Læs mere om eksamen under "Eksamen og certifikater".

Vi anbefaler, at du tager vores online sprogtest, før du melder dig til.

Vi bruger lærebogen ”Objective First. Student’s Book without answers (fourth edition)” fra Cambridge University Press. Lærebogen udleveres på kurset mod betaling via MobilePay på mellem kr. 350 og 450 (afhængigt af den aktuelle markedspris). Underviseren vil oplyse om det relevante MobilePay-nummer. Har du ikke MobilePay, kan du betale for bogen i vores butik i Hans Hartvig Seedorffs Stræde 7 og fremvise kvitteringen til underviseren.

Undervisningsmaterialer og eksamensgebyr er ikke inkluderet i prisen.

Information in English

Cambridge B2 First is for those who are able to speak the language quite comfortably, but would like to improve their vocabulary both oral and written. The course focuses on the 4 language skills: Reading – Writing – Listening – Speaking. The course is based on Cambridge English learning resources. Supplementary material, such as up to date articles on global issues, is also used to promote classroom discussions.
The course prepares for the Cambridge B2 First exam, but taking the exam is not compulsory. Everybody is welcome in the course. Bear in mind that this is only the first part of a preparation course which runs over two semesters. It is not mandatory, however, to follow both courses if you feel ready to sit the exam after one semester.

We use the book ”Objective First. Student’s Book without answers” (fourth edition) from Cambridge University Press. The book will be handed out in class for a payment of appr. DKK 400,- (depending on the acutal market price) on MobilePay (the teacher will provide you with the right number). In case you don’t have MobilePay installed on your phone, you are welcome to pay for the book in our shop in Hans Hartvig Seedorffs Stræde 7, and the teacher will provide you with a book on presenting your receipt.

Online language level test

We strongly recommend that you take our online language test before joining one of the Cambridge courses as to ensure that you choose the right level.
Exam fee as well as expenses for books and materials are not included in the course fee.

Exams take place in Aarhus in May or June. Read more about exams in "Information in English" here.

Download the brochure with all certificate language courses at FOF Aarhus



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Onsdag 29.01.2025 19:00-21:15 Søndergade 74 Laura Aranda Fernandez
2 Onsdag 05.02.2025 19:00-21:15 Søndergade 74 Laura Aranda Fernandez
3 Onsdag 19.02.2025 19:00-21:15 Søndergade 74 Laura Aranda Fernandez
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Laura Aranda Fernandez

I have a university degree in Translation and Interpreting (English and Spanish) and did my year abroad at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

I have over 5 years of experience teaching English and helping students of all ages prepare for their exams (Cambridge, LinguaSkill, LanguageCert, NATO SLP...) or simply improve their English level.