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Billede af et gadeskilt i Berlin, Rosa - Luxenburg - Strasse

Goethe-Zertifikat A2

This course is designed for participants who have a basic understanding of everyday expressions and can construct short sentences in a simple everyday language. You should be able to describe your background, education, work, and family in a straightforward manner.

The A2 course aims to expand your vocabulary and improve your ability to communicate more confidently about daily topics.

The course is open to everyone, but it is also suitable as preparation for passing the exam for the "Goethe-Zertifikat A2". By achieving the “Goethe-Zertifikat A2” you demonstrate your capability to communicate effectively in simple, routine situations. It also shows your capacity to exchange information on familiar, uncomplicated topics.

If you are unsure about your level, you are welcome to take our free online assessment test

Books and teaching materials like photocopies are not included in the fee.



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Onsdag 25.09.2024 18:30-20:45 Møllevangskolen Sascha Daniel Stalter
2 Onsdag 02.10.2024 18:30-20:45 Møllevangskolen Sascha Daniel Stalter
3 Onsdag 09.10.2024 18:30-20:45 Møllevangskolen Sascha Daniel Stalter
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Sascha Daniel Stalter

Jeg er født og opvokset i Tyskland.

Cand.mag. i historie og tysk fra Aarhus Universitet i 2011. Jeg underviser i tysk i gymnasiet.