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Sprogkursus i FOF Aarhus. Billede af Kiev, Ukraine

Ukrainian for Advanced Beginners

Привіт! (Pryvit) - Hello!

We look forward to welcoming you to this Ukrainian language course. It is aimed at people who already have some knowledge of Ukrainian and would like to improve their language skills, especially their speaking skills. Whether you have learnt Ukrainian in the past, live in a Ukrainian-speaking environment or have helped Ukrainian refugees as a volunteer, this course is tailored to deepen your understanding and knowledge of this rich and beautiful language. During the course you will take part in a variety of activities including reading comprehension exercises, writing tasks, listening comprehension exercises, speaking exercises, as well as cultural discussions (in English) as an introduction to Ukrainian society and culture.

The course will be taught mainly in Ukrainian, however, with English as a helping language.

Course objectives:

  • Expand your vocabulary for basic conversation topics.
  • Deepen your knowledge of grammar structures and sentence constructions.
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening, pronunciation and speaking skills.
  • Interaction in dialogues.
  • Understand simple texts and questions.
  • Online resources for practising your Ukrainian language skills.

Course materials are not included in the fee.

До зустрічі! (Do zustrichi!) - See you!



Dato Tid Sted Navn
1 Tirsdag 17.09.2024 17:00-18:50 Søndergade 74 Khrystyna Monastyrska
2 Tirsdag 24.09.2024 17:00-18:50 Søndergade 74 Khrystyna Monastyrska
3 Tirsdag 01.10.2024 17:00-18:50 Søndergade 74 Khrystyna Monastyrska
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FOF-underviser Khrystyna Monastyr, Koreanskunderviser, FOF Aarhus

Khrystyna Monastyrska

Jeg er en entusiastisk og dedikeret engelsk- og ukrainsklærer, og har over 7 års erfaring med at undervise i engelsk på videregående uddannelser.

Jeg har en BB.A. og M.A. i engelsk sprog og litteratur, samt en ph.d. i filologi (ukrainsk sprog og litteratur) fra Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine.

Derudover har jeg erfaring med at undervise danske studerende i ukrainsk på Aarhus Universitet.